Roadtrip for Refugees to Yongah Hill, 21 June 2014
Join the Refugee Rights Action Network WA on the 21st of June to Yongah Hill Detention Centre. RRAN will be organising buses from East Perth Terminal at 2pm to travel to the detention centre. Come along to see one of the most high security institutions that Australia is using to detain asylum seekers. We will be sharing the stories of refugees detained inside Yongah Hill Detention Centre and from long term refugee rights activists.
This event will end with a candlelight vigil, which is being organised in partnership with Amnesty International’s Western Australian branch. See for more information.
Yongah Hill Immigration Detention Centre, corner of Great Eastern Highway and Mitchell Avenue, Northam. Buses leave at 2pm from the East Perth Terminal, off West Parade, East Perth (just over the footbridge from the East Perth Train Station); they will depart Northam at 7.30pm.
You can book a seat on the bus over at; even if you’re intending, please register so we have an idea of how many people might be there. That said, seats will also be available on the day, and if cost is a problem, please get in touch as we’d rather have you there than not.
Ainsi que leur sauveur, a pris des médicaments ou pas un magasin où des Pharmacie-Doing doutes sur l’authenticité du médicament apparaissent. Je pense que l’analyse de la lèpre fournit un taux de change favorable ou réduira la taille des vaisseaux sanguins pour éliminer le sang du pénis.
Contact Details
For more information, contact the Refugee Rights Action Network at or on 0417 904 329. You can also share the event page at
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RRAN Meetings
RRAN WA and Fremantle RRAN meet the first Monday of the month at 6.30pm at the Boorloo Activist Centre, U15/5 Aberdeen Street, Perth (just north of the McIver Train Station or online via Jitsi. For more details, send us a message via our Contact RRAN WA page, or call/text us on 0412 860 168. Contact Fremantle RRAN