Following a report on ASIO negative Tamil refugees, aired on the ABC’s current affairs programme, 7.30, on Monday night, Serco guards raided and searched the accommodation rooms of ASIO-negative Tamils late Tuesday afternoon.
The refugees demanded to know the reason for the search, but the 15 Serco guards refused to give any reason. There has […]
Immigration Acts to Restrict Detention Centre Visits
Refugee advocates are alarmed at the spate of politically motivated decisions by Immigration Department officers barring visits to detention centres.
In the last week, Ian Rintoul from the Refugee Action Coalition has been barred from visiting Villawood detention centre; Senator Lee Rhiannon’s visit, today’ (Friday), to the residential housing compound of Villawoood was abruptly curtailed, […]
Daniel Flitton and Maris Beck, May 16, 2012
ASYLUM seekers branded security threats by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation have been involved in a spate of suicide attempts inside the nation’s detention network.
Two Tamils given adverse assessments by ASIO have attempted to kill themselves at a detention centre in Melbourne’s north in the past month […]
By Jane Bardon
Updated April 24, 2012 10:47:23
The Immigration Department says it is considering a letter written by a 10-year-old Vietnamese girl appealing for her release after more than a year in detention.
The girl is one of 26 Vietnamese minors who are being detained at the Darwin Airport Lodge, which is being used as […]
Refugee activists have condemned Serco and the Immigration department’s ban on visits to Darwin’s detention centres over the Easter weekend.
Even before protests were scheduled to start, Serco and the Immigration department banned visits to the detention centres.
Although visits to Darwin’s newest detention centre, Wickham Point, had been approved and confirmed for Thursday evening, […]
Refugee rights activists in Australia have called on the Australian government to release a Sri Lankan Tamil detainee who was admitted to the hospital after being assaulted by the security guards.
Ian Rintoul, of Refugee Action Coalition (RAC) in Sydney told BBC Sandeshaya that Australia’s immigration minister should conduct a full inquiry into the assault […]
RRAN Meetings
RRAN WA and Fremantle RRAN meet the first Monday of the month at 6.30pm at the Boorloo Activist Centre, U15/5 Aberdeen Street, Perth (just north of the McIver Train Station or online via Jitsi. For more details, send us a message via our Contact RRAN WA page, or call/text us on 0412 860 168. Contact Fremantle RRAN