Government policies kill more at sea
By Andrew Martin of Socialist Alternative. Originally published at
Australia’s callous refugee policies have led to the death of more asylum seekers at sea. It is estimated at least 55 refugees were aboard a boat that capsized off the coast of Christmas Island on 7 June. Within hours after the capsized hull of […]
Australia’s bungles and cover-ups exposed
By Natalie O’Brien, The Sydney Morning Herald. From
A spy working for the Australian Federal Police was the “confidential source” who provided a tip-off that an asylum seeker boat carrying 105 asylum seekers was sinking – but the AFP and Australian Customs and Border Protection failed to pass on the information for almost […]
RRAN Meetings
RRAN WA and Fremantle RRAN meet the first Monday of the month at 6.30pm at the Boorloo Activist Centre, U15/5 Aberdeen Street, Perth (just north of the McIver Train Station or online via Jitsi. For more details, send us a message via our Contact RRAN WA page, or call/text us on 0412 860 168. Contact Fremantle RRAN