More Protests and Hunger Strikes in Nauru as Conditions Deteriorate
Another 38 asylum seekers, Iranian and Afghan, arrived in Nauru this morning (Friday 19 October) taking the number of asylum seekers in the increasingly crowded detention centre to around 330.
But asylum seekers on Nauru continue to protest. A united protest of all […]
Hi everyone, my name is P***11, that’s what I used to be called in the detention, P***11. Being next to this detention centre just reminded me of how I was in the Christmas Island Detention. I don’t know which words should I use to describe that experience…should I use terrible? It was really –
very, […]
Asylum seeker accuses Minister of neglect
A teenage Vietnamese asylum seeker has written to the Immigration Minister Chris Bowen accusing him of neglecting his duties as the guardian of children in detention.
The young woman says a group of Vietnamese asylum seekers held in the Darwin Airport Lodge facility feel they have been “forgotten” by Mr Bowen after […]
Following a report on ASIO negative Tamil refugees, aired on the ABC’s current affairs programme, 7.30, on Monday night, Serco guards raided and searched the accommodation rooms of ASIO-negative Tamils late Tuesday afternoon.
The refugees demanded to know the reason for the search, but the 15 Serco guards refused to give any reason. There has […]
Journey for Justice: An account of our trip to the Leonora Detention Centre
Friday 17th of February at 6.30 PM.
Wesley Uniting Church Hall, Level 1, 97 William Street, Perth
Over the Australia Day long weekend in 2012, the Refugee Rights Action Network took a bus and 40 people to the Leonora Detention Centre. This event will give feedback on our experiences and impressions from […]
Dear RRAN,
Thankyou for your letter. I hope that you and able to send me a dictionary.
Would like you draw your attention that I have been suffering and feeling lot of problems when I was in my country because of the ethnic problems.
My family is severely affected and displaced by the way. My father is being a […]
RRAN Meetings
RRAN WA and Fremantle RRAN meet the first Monday of the month at 6.30pm at the Boorloo Activist Centre, U15/5 Aberdeen Street, Perth (just north of the McIver Train Station or online via Jitsi. For more details, send us a message via our Contact RRAN WA page, or call/text us on 0412 860 168. Contact Fremantle RRAN
Message from Perth IDC Resident
This was a message that RRAN received from a man staying in Perth Detention Centre during the anti-deportation actions. Two Tamil men were due to be deported back to Sri Lanka so members of RRAN surrounded the detention centre. Whilst we were doing so some of the guys inside kicked a volleyball over the fence, […]